Don Tolman has been referred to as a modern day "Einstein". When you experience his raw genius for the first time and the brilliantly captivating way that he delivers his profound message, you'll see why.

Don will take you on a truly amazing journey of discovery by introducing two major revolutions that are upon us - Self-Care and Self-Education. The centrepiece of his powerful message is an understanding as to how you can live a life free from disease by embracing the 7 Principles of Health.

Don has worked with some of the world's most prestigious cancer institutes throughout his journey. Called in by Doctors to provide alternative perspectives to traditional treaments and therapy, he has guided countless patients ‘written off’ by the medical system back to full recovery.

Go to the bottom of this blog to read more about this great guy....

22 June 2009


Did you know that Fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic?
Many cities of Australia now have fluoride added to their water supply. It's important to know that artificially fluoridated water can inhibit enzyme systems, damage the immune system, contribute to calcification of soft tissues, worsen arthritis and cause dental fluorosis in children. Surprisingly, the most recent studies do not even show that water fluoridation is effective in reducing tooth decay.
It's time to do your homework on fluoride, avoid it wherever possible and use a good ceramic filtering system.

20 June 2009

Back Pain

The number one solution for back pain is to regularly do “ bent knee push ups”.
Do 20 in the morning and 20 in the evening.
Also an ancient method of self adjustment is sneezing. Sneezing is one of the bodies natural chiropractic responses. Sniffing ground black pepper and sneezing has help thousands. It can be uncomfortable, but with each sneeze comes relief - until finally a remission of pain.
See you next week


18 June 2009

Help with Headache Pain

To help relieve headache pain there's a few things you can do....
Drink a litre of water to rehydrate the brain. Also, you can rub your scalp and the soles of your feet with olive oil. Massaging your neck, shoulders and upper back and then taking a hot shower is a great reliever for headache as well.
See you next week


11 June 2009


Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. This causes symptoms like coughing, chest tightness and breathing problems.
Here are a few ways to ease Asthma:
Acupuncture: has been found to significally improve Asthma and other chronic lung conditions
Yoga: improves overall well-being, promotes greater relaxation and increases exercise tolerance
Dietary Changes: I've seen it and it's been proven, that a vegetarian diet significantly improves the condition of Asthma.
See you next week


04 June 2009


Foods that contain copper are a great source of relief for Arthritis sufferers. Try eating more lentils, brazil nuts, mushrooms and walnuts to help relieve your Arthritis pain.
Two basic types of exercise can help with pain relief:
Stretching – helps you stay flexible while preventing stiffness and joint deformities
Strengthening – makes the muscles, ligaments and tendons that support your joints stronger, thereby making movement less painful.
See you next week


03 June 2009

Colon Health

Some people are confronted by this reality.......Avoiding bowel or colon cancer begins with colonic hygiene.
For optimum health you should generally have one to three good bowel movements daily. It is quite surprising, however, that many people have a bowel movement only every few days. This is certainly not good, as decaying material and toxins in your intestines can contribute to many diseases such as colon cancer.
Eat plenty of Apples, Bananas, Sunflower Seeds and Prunes to stay more regular!
There is a great test to see if you have a bowel problem on page 347, volume 2 of my Farmacist Desk Reference.
See you next week,

29 May 2009

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women with over 400,000 new cases each year.
This form of cancer can be avoided in the following ways:
Stop Smoking - Smoking is a known risk factor for many cancers. Smoking exposes your entire body (not just your lungs) to many cancer causing chemicals
Consuming Whole food Vitamin E – for example Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cold pressed sunflower and safflower oils, nuts and dark green vegetables.
Consuming raw foods – uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds
See you next week


22 May 2009


Despite its name, heartburn doesn't affect the heart. Heartburn is a burning feeling in the lower chest, along with a sour or bitter taste in the throat and mouth.
Tips for preventing Heartburn:
Drink a glass of fresh cabbage or celery juice everyday
Drink raw potato juice (do not peel the potato). Just wash it and put it in the juicer. Mix the juice with equal amount water. Drink it 3 times a day.
Sip 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar, mixed with a glass of water while eating. Do not drink any other liquids with meals
Try these things next time you experience heartburn and things should be back to normal for you in no time.
See you next week (in Australia!)


14 May 2009


You may not know it, but fevers actually serve as a useful purpose. The fever itself is not an illness but a symptom of one bodily process of healing. In fact, it’s one of the body’s defense mechanisms for infection. Ideally, you should let a fever run it’s course but if you feel the need for extra relief try the following:
Drink water and lemon juice (or just water)
Have cups of Linden Tea, Willowbark Tea or Black Elder tea
Suck on ice
Have a colonic
See you next week


05 May 2009


Carrots are natures cure to many different ailments. These include:
Strengthening the spleen-pancreas
Improvement of liver function
Stimulates the elimination of wastes
Dissolves accumulations such as stones and tumors
Treats indigestion (including excess stomach acid and heartburn).
Eliminates bacteria in the intestines that cause poor assimilation.
Contains an essential oil that destroys pinworms and round worms.
See you next week


01 May 2009


It may look gnarly and stubby, but it’s got talent! Ginger is the classic tonic for the digestive tract and a staple of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,500 years.
Ginger has many benefits and these include:
Stimulates digestion
Combats morning sickness, motion sickness, chemotherapy and anesthesia.
Reduces inflammation
Treats chest congestion, cholera, colds, diarrhea, stomach aches and nervous diseases
Is high in preventative cancer activity.
See you next week


24 April 2009


Celery has become a household staple along with carrots, onions and potatoes.
Celery contains vitamin C and hundreds of other active compounds that promote health, including pthalides (which can lower cholesterol) and coumarins (which assist in cancer prevention).
These benefits have been recognised by Chinese Medicine Practitioners and are now being recognised by scientists who have discovered how it works.
See you next week


17 April 2009


Peppermint is highly regarded for it's medicinal benefits and distinctive flavor. It is a naturally occurring hybrid of spearmint. However, unlike other mints, peppermint leaves and oil also contains the powerful therapeutic ingredient menthol which can really help to:
Ease nausea & vomiting
Improves digestion & reduces heartburn
Dissolves gallstones
Stops bad breath
Controls muscles aches & chronic pain
Clears congestion & coughs
See you next week


10 April 2009


The word vaccine literally means "berries". Vaccines today are typically made from pustulant animal fluidiums of infection and toxic metals which are not suitable for the human body.
Our ancestors "vaccinated" themselves by eating berries and they didn't die from this "treatment" nor did they suffer from any side-effects.
Do a little homework on "Berries" as an alternative before blindly saying 'yes' to today's vaccines.
See you next week


03 April 2009

Coconut Oil

Real Coconut Oil is one of the healthiest oils you can consume. It is rich in nutrients and contains no trans fat.
Coconut oil can help you lose weight and lower the risk of heart disease and other diseases. It also can assist with overcoming diabetes, thyroid and chronic fatigue conditions and boosts your daily energy, rejuvenates your skin and helps prevent wrinkles.


27 March 2009

Black Pepper

A pinch of black pepper is added to almost every type of recipe imaginable. Once used as currency and presented to the Gods as a sacred offering, it is fortunate that this most popular of spices is available throughout the year.
Black Pepper stimulates the taste buds in such a way that an alert is sent to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion, thereby improving digestion. Black Pepper has demonstrated impressive oxidant and bacterial effects.


20 March 2009

Beer and Ferments

Most people are not aware that the stomach as well as the small and large intestines have no muscles, the movement of liquids and foods through the body operates on electric signals called “Peristaltic Action”. The digestive system is able to contract and expand by using the electrical system of the fluids moving through it.
Plant Whole Foods contain nutritional components and fibres as well as fluids that are all ELECTRICAL and are in patters of frequency the intestines operate at full force with.
In modern society it is estimated that for 80% - 90% of people have diets that are approximately 90% electrically dead to the frequencies of the digestive system. For this reason, 90% of all human disease originates in the digestive tract - fermented foods and drinks have the most easily usable and identifiable electric force.
Every culture, tribe and community of people through out all time of the human experience have used fermented foods and drinks to maintain long life and a state of being disease free.
Naturally fermented beers and wines without todays synthetic chemicals and artificial ingredients are some of the best things we can have in our diets to maintain the electric force called LIFE.
Nutrition comes of the Latin NUX meaning ‘the process of Light’ all light is photo electric. Fermentation enhances the photons of electric force that all ten quadrillion (10,000 trillion) cells function apon.
In short... DRINK UP (BEER, THAT IS!)


06 March 2009

White wholefoods

As I've mentioned before, different wholefoods are coloured the way they are for a specific reason. These colours have meaning and can influence how you feel. Let's take a look at WHITE wholefoods...
White is associated with light, goodness, innocence and purity - it is considered the colour of perfection. Be sure to include lots of foods in your diet in the white spectrum...things like Cauliflower, Coconut, Onions and Potatoes.

27 February 2009


Did you know that Fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic?
Many cities of Australia now have fluoride added to their water supply. It's important to know that artificially fluoridated water can inhibit enzyme systems, damage the immune system, contribute to calcification of soft tissues, worsen arthritis and cause dental fluorosis in children. Surprisingly, the most recent studies do not even show that water fluoridation is effective in reducing tooth decay.
It's time to do your homework on fluoride, avoid it wherever possible and use a good ceramic filtering system.

13 February 2009

Good Fats

Good fats are the naturally occurring, traditional fats that haven’t been damaged by high heat, refining, processing or other man-made tampering such as “partial hydrogenation”.
The best of these kinds of fats are found in nuts, avocados, seeds and believe it or not, fresh creamery butter.
Among the worst of the “bad” fats are margarine and the fats found in anything fried in lard. If you see “partially hydrogenated” on any food label, avoid it like the plague. These oils oxidise easily and have been processed with high heat, which removes all the healthy nutrients, like Vitamin E.
See you next week,

06 February 2009

Avoiding Cancer

Some people are confronted by this reality.......Avoiding bowel or colon cancer begins with colonic hygiene.
For optimum health you should generally have one to three good bowel movements daily. It is quite surprising, however, that many people have a bowel movement only every few days. This is certainly not good, as decaying material and toxins in your intestines can contribute to many diseases such as colon cancer.
Eat plenty of Apples, Bananas, Sunflower Seeds and Prunes to stay more regular!
There is a great test to see if you have a bowel problem on page 347, volume 2 of my Farmacist Desk Reference.
See you next week,

30 January 2009

Avoiding Heart Disease

To prevent coronery heart (or artery) disease, consider these things:
Start your day out right by eating some form of whole grain, cereal or fruit, especially grapefruit!
Add beans to leafy salads, whole grain pastas and stews
Try organic Soy prooducts
Add extra virgin olive oil to almost everything
Cook with garlic and eat loads of raw nuts.
Walk 5 times per week for at least 30 minutes (More info Coronary Heart Disease can be found on page 356 of Volume 2 of my Farmacist Desk Reference)
See you next week,

21 January 2009


Fasting has existed since the beginning of life on earth. It helps to purify the body of pollutants, thereby improving bodily health and function.
So, Fast to give your digestive system a rest every once in a while. It will help rid your body of excess toxins, waste products, acids, proteins, fat deposit and medicinal residues which will help prevent cancer and other innumerable diseases. (More info on Fasting can be found on page 390, volume 1 of my FDR).
See you next week,

09 January 2009

Breast, Prostrate Cancer

The evidence is becoming quite compelling that sun exposure (that causes us to make Vitamin D) will help lower the risk of many cancers, including breast and prostate cancer.Research is now showing that the human body can cure itself of cancer provided that it has the right raw materials available - and sunshine is one of those critical, raw materials (read pages 240-241 in Volume 2 of the Farmacist Desk Reference for more info on this).When it comes to breast cancer, another important finding is that women who wear bras excessively (up to 24 hours a day) are 113 times more likely to get the disease than women who wear bras less than 12 hours a day.
I know how confusing all this gets with the medical establishment and media, but the fact is that these diseases are growing not declining. So, it's worth digging a little deeper to find real answers as to why this is the case.
See you next week,