Don Tolman has been referred to as a modern day "Einstein". When you experience his raw genius for the first time and the brilliantly captivating way that he delivers his profound message, you'll see why.

Don will take you on a truly amazing journey of discovery by introducing two major revolutions that are upon us - Self-Care and Self-Education. The centrepiece of his powerful message is an understanding as to how you can live a life free from disease by embracing the 7 Principles of Health.

Don has worked with some of the world's most prestigious cancer institutes throughout his journey. Called in by Doctors to provide alternative perspectives to traditional treaments and therapy, he has guided countless patients ‘written off’ by the medical system back to full recovery.

Go to the bottom of this blog to read more about this great guy....

29 August 2008

Sleeping Problems

Are you having problems sleeping?Try some of these tips to help you fall asleep.
Don't drink caffeinated beverages after 3pm
Use any of these relaxing essential oils (add 5 drops to bath water or 2 drops on your pillow): chamomile, lavender, neroli, rose or marjoram.
Exercise moderately for 30 minutes, 3 times a week
Paint your bedroom green, which evokes feelings of serenity and lowers heart rate or Blue which spurs the brain to secrete tranquilizing hormones.
Eat plenty of onions, celery, cabbage, avocados and apples.
See you next week!

22 August 2008


For centuries honey has been used as medicine. All types of honey, both raw and heated, work naturally to harmonise the liver, neutralise toxins and relieve pain. Honey can also be useful for treating stomach ulcers, cancer sores, high blood pressure and can be applied directly to burns. Raw, completely unprocessed, unheated honey is preferable; it has the ability to dry up mucus and is helpful for those with edema and too much weight. Raw honey is NOT recommended for infants under 12 months.
See you next week!

21 August 2008

Blue Wholefoods

Remember, different wholefoods are coloured the way they are for a specific reason...These colours have meaning and can influence how you feel. This week let's take a look at BLUE wholefoods: Blue is the Colour of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolises trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven. It is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Eat plenty of foods in the blue spectrum like Blueberries, Plums, Purple Grapes and eggplant.
See you next week,

15 August 2008

Raw Milk

Raw Milk is Good but Cultured Raw Milk is Best!
Many people who cannot drink pasteurized milk, can drink raw milk.
Cultured ("fermented") milk products include yogurt, kefir and curd. The fat, sugar and protein have been partially broken down making them digestible for practically everyone.
Did you know that yogurt contains billions of life, friendly bacteria?
These bacteria not only predigest the fat, sugar and protein, they also 'crowed out' lethal bacteria in the gut.
Perhaps even more important, these micro-organisms manufacture their own neutralizers and inhibitors to destroy disease causing germs.
There are good reasons why yogurt, kefir and curd prolong life. They protect against hardening of the arteries and there is a potent cancer remissive effect.
See you next week!

08 August 2008


The Dirt on Salt (and Water)
Unrefined sea salt is a vital substance for the survival of all living creatures. Water & salt regulate the water content of the body.
Salt has many other functions. Here are some of the more vital functions of salt in the body:
Salt is vital for balancing the sugar levels in the blood; a needed element in diabetics
Salt is essential for the prevention of muscle cramps
Salt is vital for clearing up congestion of the sinuses
Salt is absolutely vital to making the structure of bones firm – 27% of the body’s salt is in the bones
Salt is vital for sleep regulation - its a natural hypnotic
Salt on the tongue will stop persistent dry coughs
Salt is vital for preventing varicose veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs
And much more..............